The discussion was lead by Doug Neal, Research Fellow at CSC’s Leading Edge Forum (LEF) Executive Programme. Doug will report on the findings from a Study Tour to Silicon Valley, where with 40 LEF Executive Programme customers, the CSC team visited a dozen companies from the largest in the business to those just emerging from stealth mode to discuss The Choices and Risks in Moving to the Cloud. The team heard them explain their definition and use of the Cloud before evaluating how the story fits into the bigger map. Essentially, Cloud Computing is part of a wave of change that is washing over IT organizations. Components of the wave include the consumerization of IT, the arrival of tech-saavy employees and a shift in business models from vertical integration to horizontal, networked businesses.
Backed by the massive scale of consumerized offerings, the Cloud is a source for new services for enterprises at multiple levels including infrastructure, platform, software application, and process. In this talk, Doug will point out where firms are having success today, as well as where capabilities still need to evolve before enterprises can make full use of the Cloud. In developing their roadmap to the Cloud, clients will need to keep in mind that for many the future of their horizontal, networked business is Collaboration – and that the future of Collaboration is in the Cloud.